Leavetown Partners with Arc'teryx!
Do you love outdoor gear? Then you'll be pleased to hear that we have officially announced the arrival of exclusive Leavetown by Arc'teryx gear!
You may have seen our most recent contest promoting the chance to win a Leavetown by Arc’teryx hoody… you might have even entered! However, what you might not have known is that this was in fact a prelude to an exciting announcement we are very pleased to uncover.
Announcing our new partnership with Arc’teryx
Leavetown has partnered with Arc’teryx to produce exclusive Leavetown by Arc’teryx gear, so our guests can feel a little closer to the Leavetown experience while they’re spending time in their favourite mountain destinations. We have been wearing and loving Arc’teryx clothing for a long time, and we’re so thrilled to be able to share our exclusive spin on this top-quality gear with you!
Arc’teryx offers a wide range of outdoor gear and accessories that are consistently acclaimed for being one of the best performance wear lines on the market. Founded in North Vancouver, an outdoorsy town by nature close to mountains and the sea, Arc’teryx has never left its roots. The company’s commitment to innovation and high-quality standards keeps Arc’teryx ahead of its competition.
Are you an a fan of both Leavetown and Arc’teryx?
Then stay tuned to find out more details about our new partnership and when our Leavetown branded Arc’teryx gear will be available to buy online. It’s all in the works…
We have been seeking the perfect opportunity to give back to our loyal Leavetown guests and bring further value to our community, so the launch of our online store will mark some incredible exclusive discounts for our valued guests! We’re really excited to share it with you all.
So who won the Arc’teryx contest?
We also would like to officially congratulate our contest winner, Rick Vircavs on his win! Perhaps if we’re lucky, we’ll even receive a snap or two of Rick in the great outdoors, sporting his slick Leavetown by Arc’teryx hoody to share with all of you.
Much love to all of you, and here’s to an incredible 2017!
Your Leavetown Team